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Image by Jasmin Ne

Best and Worst Oils for your Health

Over the years, the health industry has thrown us for a loop when it comes to fats. For example,

butter was heavily demonized due to its saturated fat content. Whether research just wasn’t getting the full picture, or the fact that they received big paychecks from the refined oil and margarine industry (of course…), we have now found the OPPOSITE to be true; these refined oils are harmful to our health, while other whole food sources like butter are nutrient dense, and should be part of a balanced & healthy diet.

“Refined oils” are oils that have to go through a lengthy process to be extracted from their source- typically seeds, beans and vegetables. Refining and extracting oils (from foods that were never really meant to be broken down into liquid fats) requires things like extremely high heat, chemicals, and high amounts of pressure. These methods oxidize the oils, turning them rancid & toxic, while losing most of their nutrients and health properties. Never mind the “smoke point” on the stove, these oils are already rancid before they even hit the grocery store shelves! The toxicity of these oils is linked to a plethora of conditions including diabetes, IBS & other gastrointestinal conditions, obesity, coronary disease, and even cancer.

Don’t get it twisted! Fats and oils are not the problem- they are ESSENTIAL for life and your human body. Its the quality and the sourcing that we need to prioritize to fuel our body in the healthiest way possible. One way I like to look at it is – how close is what I’m eating to its natural state? – for example, think of an ear of corn. Have you ever noticed it to be oily or fatty? Me neither. That corn had to go through the ringer to become “corn oil”. Cold pressed olive oil, however, is just squished & filtered olives.

Oils to avoid:

  • Soybean oil

  • Corn oil

  • Sunflower oil

  • Canola oil

  • “Vegetable oil” (what the heck is in this??)

Healthier oil swaps:

  • Cold pressed olive oil

  • Cold pressed coconut oil

  • Grass fed butter

  • Tallow

  • Other cold pressed/virgin oils!

Swapping your oils is a super easy way to lower your toxic load, reduce your risk for chronic conditions, & support a more sustainable and ethical industry. Your food will taste the same, if not better! Make sure you also watch out for refined oils in your food products, most processed foods contain some kind of refined oil. Luckily, there are more and more options with better quality oils popping up on the shelves!


Hey! It's Syd!

Founder of Brighter Being, Functional + Integrative Practitioner, and lover of all things wellness, nature, and travel. Thanks for being here!
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