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Image by Jasmin Ne

Meet Brighter Being Wellness: our top 10 fundamentals that we live by

While it is difficult for me to narrow down my beliefs and morals to 10 simple points, here are the top ten fundamentals of Brighter Being Wellness:

1. The mind and body should be treated as a whole

Everything is interconnected, what impacts one impacts another. Rather than treating symptoms over and over again, we must look at the body as a whole and find the root cause of our ailments.

2. Nothing is definite

No one thing is applicable to every single living human. Any broad question should be answered with “it depends”. What’s right for you might be wrong for someone else, and vice versa! Health is such an individual journey.

3. Connecting ancient wisdom with modern discovery

Science and research are a revolutionary tool, but a tool nonetheless. If something doesn’t work for you and your life, it doesn’t matter if the research says it’s great. There is so much health related wisdom out there with plenty of anecdotal evidence, but no scientific explanation as to why. This doesn’t mean it’s wrong- it means that science just might not be there yet. We discover new things about the wonders of nature on a daily basis.

4. Freedom based health

Health looks different for each individual. No one size fits all! Even if you have the same goals, many times your path to get there looks a lot different. We strongly believe that freedom is essential to health, and that means combatting blanket statements, mandates, & treatments. More importantly, patients should be allowed the freedom to choose what is best for their own lives. Your health is in your hands! Practitioners are here to help guide you, never through force or guilt.

5. Health based freedom

What does freedom mean to you? It often looks like the freedom to enjoy your favorite activities, or the freedom to enjoy your favorite foods. It looks different for everyone, which itself is a testament to freedom! When our health is being taken care of, we can afford the freedom to do all of the things we love to do! Whether that means strengthening your “bad” knee so you can enjoy hiking pain free, or improving your relationship with food so you can finally enjoy dinner with friends! Freedom works both ways, and taking care of your own health can give you the freedom to live your life how you want to!

6. Health is a practice, not a destination

We tend to set end goals for health- “i’ll be happy when I lose 20 lbs!” or “I just want to lose the weight fast, then I’ll maintain”. Unfortunately, this approach typically doesn’t work out- because health isn’t a destination! You can’t do x-y-z to “get healthy” and then stop doing x-y-z and expect to maintain it. Health is slowly building a healthy lifestyle through daily practices.

7. Back to basics

While everyone’s health journey looks different, there is definitely a hierarchy of importance. For example, if someone struggles with getting enough calories and protein, it’s probably not a good time to implement something like intermittent fasting or carb cycling. Even though the other practices are more “flashy” and appealing, the majority of people would benefit most from taking it back to basics- energy, protein, and water intake, sleep, steps, and mobility.

8. Use motivation as a tool, build discipline as a skill-

Motivation is a feeling, meaning it comes and it goes. It should be used as a tool to kickstart and execute things we are excited about, but relying on motivation alone leads to falling in and out of patterns we work so hard to build. This is where discipline comes in- unlike motivation, discipline is a skill that can be learned and improved. It ensures that even on our least motivated days, we still show up for ourselves!

9. Love is an action word-

Health professionals always speak about loving yourself- “no amount of weight loss will fix your relationship with yourself”- this is so true! But how do we go about changing how we feel about ourselves? Trust me, it doesn’t come naturally. Love is an action word- choose to hydrate, nourish, and move your body in a restorative way. Choose to see and focus on the good you have to offer.

10. Give the world the best of you, not what’s left of you-

Sometimes putting resources (time, money, effort) into ourselves is seen as selfish, but many times it’s the exact opposite! We can’t pour from an empty cup. The more we fill our own cup, the more we have to offer to others. The healthier, happier, more energetic, nourished, stronger, and more confident you will have so much more to offer to this world!


Hey! It's Syd!

Founder of Brighter Being, Functional + Integrative Practitioner, and lover of all things wellness, nature, and travel. Thanks for being here!
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