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Image by Jasmin Ne

Stop Fearing Failure

As a young gymnast, I learned so many life lessons that I still come back to today. One of the most valuable things I learned was not to fear failure. I was forced to fail every single practice! Gymnastics is a very detail and perfection oriented sport- not only do you have to complete the skill, but you must maintain proper form and pointed toes throughout. It is highly unlikely to try a new skill and get it right the first time, let alone even land on your feet.

I found that the ONLY way to learn a new skill is to try, and inevitably, fail.

Coaching my own gymnasts, it is easy to see the difference between those who succeed at the sport and those who struggle- the ones who have the most skills are the ones who aren't afraid to fail. The ones who fear failure allow embarrassment and disappointment to prevent them from even trying in the first place.

I remind them that the only way to improve is to allow that failure. Embrace it. Learn from it. Even if its ugly, even if people laugh. The failure is part of the process, and if you ever want to be good at something, you have to start by being bad at it.

This is not just a lesson for kids to learn in youth sports... This is actually something most adults need to hear!

Many people dream about their life goals, but never actually start working towards those goals because they are afraid that they might not work out. The comfort of daydream feels better than facing the reality of struggle and failure. The truth is, that struggle is not only important, its NECESSARY for growth and improvement.

Other times, people start working towards something, but once failure hits, they give up. I see this time and time again with health related goals- falling off of their "good" habits for a day causes them to throw in the towel altogether. Remember that with anything, consistency is key- and consistency isn't about being perfect everyday; its about being able to push through those off days, and bounce right back.

"What if it doesn't work out?"...

...but what if it does?

Whether its making changes in your eating habits, adding a fitness routine, picking up a new hobby, your relationships, or starting a new career- don't let the fear of failure hold you back! It is in that failure that we learn the most. Running away from the failure sacrifices what we are called to do. The peak of your life's purpose is found through the valleys of your failures.


Feb 02



Jul 10, 2023



Jun 12, 2023

What a great analogy!


Hey! It's Syd!

Founder of Brighter Being, Functional + Integrative Practitioner, and lover of all things wellness, nature, and travel. Thanks for being here!
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